Week 33 / 2024

Published: 18/08/2024

I first learned about weeknotes in 2018. One of my Twitter follows Ankur had posted his first weeknote. On reading it, I instantly developed a liking for the format. I've kept up with Ankur's notes since then.

Recently, another cool-person-I-follow-on-the-Internet Pooja started doing weeknotes. She writes and posts a link to them on her Instagram story each week. I've been enjoying reading them regularly.

For a while now, I've wanted to establish a regular writing practice. Weeknotes seem like just the right medium to help do this. They're weekly in nature and don't require too much effort. Perfect!

Lots of holidays this past week. The time off included feelings of helplessness, catching up with friends, the return of football, and lots of media consumption.

What's been happening?

  1. Mon–Wed was busy at work. We are about to launch an app we've been building for the last two months. There were a lot of meetings about our release process, user testing plan, and of course bug fixes. I logged off late on Wednesday. I wanted to wrap up important work, so I could fully disconnect to enjoy my time off.

  2. Thursday was India's Independence Day. I woke up feeling excited about the day. This is a new phenomenon for me. Independence Day makes me want to listen to my Bollywood playlist and I feel like watching Bollywood movies. Am I becoming more patriotic (ew) as I grow older?

    The day's excitement quickly faded away. I opened Instagram and saw an outpour of people (women, really) posting about the brutal crime (trigger warning: sexual violence) that took place in Kolkata last week.

    I spent the rest of the day feeling disgusted, angry, and helpless. Celebating independence felt wrong.

  3. My friend Aayesha came over on Friday. I made her an iced Americano and we watched Triangle of Sadness. I really liked it. It's a classic eat-the-rich story. It's beautifully shot and has great music sprinkled throughout the screenplay. If you like The White Lotus or Succession, you will enjoy this movie for sure.

    Friday night was filled with excitement about football coming back. United was playing. I wore my jersey and supported the team to a victory. Spending time with Aayesha and watching football was a good distraction from the events of Thursday. I ended up feeling better afterwards.

    Saturday also involved catching up with a friend. Tejasri was in Delhi this past week and came over for a short while. We talked, had coffee (I made her a cappuccino!), and played Super Mario Wonder on my Switch.

  4. I finally finished the latest season of The Bear this week, and boy, do I have thoughts. Season 3 was a mixed bag. There were some incredible episodes and some that didn't work for me at all. Overall, I think this season's fate will be decided based on the next season. If the writers nail season 4, then season 3 will be considered as one of the greatest build-ups ever. If season 4 falls flat, season 3 will be remembered as the beginning of the downfall of The Bear.

    Karten's video sums up my thoughts on season 3 nicely:

  5. S has been away this week. She gets back home soon. I'm looking forward to her return. I plan on making her watch Triangle of Sadness. We'll follow that up with some Jane The Virgin. Excited!

Week 34 / 2024
On Looking Forward